I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve managed to get Ace’s face on the front page of Dogster again, this time via a (poop-related) product that Ace helped me review. You can read the article here. Notice the low-brow poop jokes interspersed between adorable pictures of Ace and bags of poop. Merry Christmas to me, indeed!

Thanks Be to BT

Dearest Ace,
Even though you have been puking since some unidentifiable time in the early morning, when you were entwined with your people and the sheets; even though your anal glands juice us liberally every time we exhale in relaxation; even though you are so cute you make me cry —
Even though all this, my dearest, I am thankful for your little life, and for the pleasure/pain of being your Dog Mama.
Love, Your fluid-tolerating Mama
P.S. I am now going to post some embarrassing pictures of you being forced to pose with the lopped-off top of a butternut squash, because I have opposable thumbs and a bigger cortex. Mwahaha!

Our First Anniversary

One year ago today, Jefe and I made the trek out to the Central Valley to meet our girl and bring her home. I was so very nervous: Could I care for this little being? I wish I could say that I am now thoroughly convinced of my abilities, and truly, I mostly am. But I still have my moments, like today during our walk when I caught myself thinking we should be working on training new commands more often, and were her daily walks with Rachel enough, and should I be worried about environmental toxins more than I already am… It’s a black hole, a revolving door, questions without answers.
Just like that very special day, one year ago, when I first spotted her, being carried out of a pen of puppies, her little ears floppy, her eyes bright and searching, today I looked into my little girl’s face, and was distracted from my worries. I was, and am, absorbed in her earthly perfection, her present-focus, her lips and eyes and spotted head. Whatever I’ve done, it is enough, and whatever I am required to do in the future, well, that will be enough, too. As long as I am still arrested by the mere sight of her, from that time in the morning when I wake up and find her pressed up against me, to the time I rest my head against the pillow we share (we really do), then how could I not be moved to do what is right by her? What room is there for anxiety and doubt when we are both right here, and right here is magical?
I am so thankful for all the people who help me give Ace the best of everything every day. I am so thankful I can put my fears aside and have her next to me no matter the challenges and heartache that will invariable find us. I have not always been so brave.

Lambs to the Slaughter

Well, it seems we’re at that special age:

Within the last few weeks, Ace began totally destroying her stuffies. I know many dogs treat their toys in this manner almost immediately as puppies, but Ace didn’t seem to know her own strength until recently. Now, she will hold a stuffie down with her front paws, or sometimes stand on top of it, latch her mouth around a vulnerable limb, and pull upwards until it rips. She then excitedly begins gobbling up the stuffing and keeps eating it even while it chokes her. I explained we only get one bowel obstruction per calendar year covered by her pet insurance, but this seems not to phase her. Kids these days; humph!!

This blog is one year old! Woot! I’ve had so much fun and gotten so much comfort from writing here about my Ace-related experiences. Thanks for reading. Let’s keep this party going! WOOO!

Happy Anniversary, chasingace!